Voting is a civic duty

The hallmark of the American Representative Republic is based upon one simple thing… your vote. The following information is intended to help you make that vote happen.

Step 1: Register

To vote in any election you must first register. In Crook County Wyoming you can register with the County Clerk

Step 2: Ballot

When you vote you will vote by completing a ballot. The ballot should look like the following and must have [insert notes about security marks].

Step 3: Candidates

It is recommended that you research candidates and issues in advance of an election. Do not assume that a candidate or issue has presented themselves (or itself) at face value. Research their voting records, understand the issues, connect with other like minded conservatives.

Step 4: Vote

It is recommended that you vote in person on election day at the precinct location assigned to you. Understand your rights and voting laws. Do not abdicate your sacred right to vote.

Step 5: Volunteer

Poll watchers and poll workers are always in short supply. If you have the time we recommend volunteering to support the electoral process.

More Detailed Voting Information

What do I need to register to vote?

One of any of the following valid Identification Documents:

  • Valid driver’s license from any state (Wyoming preferred, but not required)

  • ID issued by a local, state or federal agency

  • U.S. passport

  • WY student ID

  • Military ID

  • Tribal ID

Or, two of any of the following valid Identification Documents:

  • Certificate of U.S. citizenship or naturalization

  • Draft record

  • Voter registration card from another state or county

  • Original or certified copy of birth certificate

  • Any other form of ID issued by official agency

  • Any other form of ID issued by an official agency

You must also know your physical and mailing address in Crook County, but do not need to bring